Saved by the "free" Bell!

By Belen - 9/02/2010

Vuelta al curso escolar y por que no decirlo......a la normalidad (por fin!). Asi que para empezar la cuesta de septiembre que mejor que pillarse estas cosillas:

Pelo: Tami (animado, es decir que te tocas y se quita la coleta dejandolo suelto ;P) de Hair&Hair , aprovech para mandar un mensaje de amor...I love U Midas!!! ;))... (Not Free)
Scarf: Female Designer Scarf, tintada (o sea la del inventarioque viene por defecto)
Top: Lucky Letter MDL Fajin verde
Shorts: Dollarbie Skintight
Bolso: International Hunt de Croire
Botines: Dollarbie O.o Glad Rags

y aún mas cosillas..... y un adios...:

Outfit; Back to the School Hunt OuTRage (a buscar manzanas..jsjsj)

Outift: M2M Back to the School Hunt (en version masculina ;P)
y este ya para el recreo ;))

Outift: Go to the Beach Free Gift por apertura Lillou´s
Botines; Dollarbie ( en blanco esta vez) de Oo..Glad Rags
Libros: Back to the School Hunt Croire

Emerald Viewer 2008?-2010:
The Emerald Viewer WAS a third party viewer for the Second Life® virtual world. It WAS based on Linden Lab's® viewer version 1.23.5 (and recently Snowglobe 1.3), with features added to improve performance, increase usability, and generally enhance the user experience.
Emerald was among the first third party viewers to really add extensive new functionality to the viewer, and still continues to do so today. As you can see from the selection of features described on the Features page, the Emerald Viewer is significantly better equipped than the standard viewer, or many other viewers.(la wikipedia es lo que tiene)

Tus amigos no te olvidan. Descanse en Paz

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